
Budget Response & Appeal for Improved Quality Management & Safeguarding in Aged Care, Disability & Community Care

Summary of Australia Community Industry Alliance’s Position

• Australian Community Industry Standard is an evidenced-based, human rights-based standard, against international accreditation and sampling requirements that is in place and assessing clients across aged care, community care and NDIS for two decades with formidable and statistically valid outcomes. ACIA should be considered as a replacement across Aged Care, NDIS, Private and Veterans Affairs.
• ACIA as the only peak body focused on Quality management should be actively engaged in the quality outcome measures and processes in aged care, disability and community care.
• Further work must be undertaken to ensure the adequate safeguarding and management of our frail and vulnerable in the community.
• Workforce is a significant area both in quantity, capability and supervision.

Response to the Federal Budget
· The budget nor the Government has NOT addressed the systemic and systematic failure of both the aged care and disability sectors as operated by the Aged Care and NDIS Commission to adequately safeguard the respective communities;
· The budget nor the Government has NOT addressed the workforce shortages and the need for increased capability and supervision in the sector;
· The budget nor Government has NOT addressed the mismanagement of Government resources of both the Aged Care and NDIS systems to ensure that quality management principles are in place to protect our most vulnerable citizens;
· The budget nor the Government has NOT addressed the lack of funding in these sectors to address the complex acuity needs and resourcing challenges, including administrative burdens that continue to be raised;
· Seeks to review the Australian Community Industry Standard as the best standard for quality care and service provision already in place in aged care, NDIS and private care in Australia and already with a human-based approach within the international audit and quality frameworks;
· The budget nor the Government has NOT addressed the Royal Commission findings into two decades of failure on their behalf.

Australian Community Industry Alliance, as the peak body in quality management for some of the frailest and vulnerable in our community, seeks to hear how this will be addressed.

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